Preparing Mentally for an Artist Tour

Preparing Mentally for an Artist Tour

Shailla T. Shailla T.
3 minute read

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Touring is one of the most rewarding experiences for any performing artist. Not only does it give you the opportunity to share your art with the world, but it’s also a great way to meet new people and places. However, the process of preparing for a tour can be a bit daunting, and it’s important to make sure you’re mentally and emotionally ready to get on the road. Here are some tips to help you prepare mentally before embarking on your upcoming tour. 

Set Realistic Expectations

When preparing for a tour, it’s important to have realistic expectations about what it will involve. While you may have a vision of all the cities you’ll visit and all the incredible experiences you’ll have, the reality is that touring will involve a lot of hard work, long drives, and a lot of time away from home. It’s important to be realistic about what touring will involve, so you can be mentally and emotionally prepared for the challenges and stresses that come with it. 

Consider Your Support System

It’s also important to consider your support system before embarking on a tour. Whether it’s family, friends, or other touring musicians, having a strong support system can make a huge difference in preparing mentally for a tour. Having people who you can rely on for emotional support, advice, and companionship can make a huge difference in alleviating some of the stress and loneliness that often comes with touring.

Take Care of Your Health

When touring, it can be easy to neglect your health. Between long drives, lack of sleep, and unhealthy eating, it’s important to be mindful of your health and make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat healthy food whenever possible. It’s also important to stay hydrated, especially if you’re spending a lot of time in a car.

Practice Self-Care

Finally, it’s important to practice self-care while you’re on tour. This could mean anything from meditating and journaling to listening to music and taking breaks. It’s important to make time for yourself and do things that make you feel relaxed and recharged.

Touring can be an incredible experience, but remember that your mental health is important! 

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