Major Music Labels Control Spotify Playlists

Major Music Labels Control Spotify Playlists

Shailla T. Shailla T.
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Spotify is the most popular music streaming service in the world, with over 217 million active users worldwide. A major part of its success is the sheer amount of music available. But, behind the scenes, a few major music labels are controlling the playlists, and their influence is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.

The Big Three—Universal, Sony, and Warner—and their associated labels control more than two-thirds of the music on Spotify. This has made it difficult for independent artists to get their music heard, with the Big Three dominating the playlists and curation on the streaming platform.

The Big Three leverage their control over playlists and curation to benefit their own artists. They use the "Apple Effect" to promote certain songs and artists within their own record labels, while playing down other artists. This has led to increased inequality in the music industry, with some artists being pushed to the top of the charts while independent musicians struggle to get noticed.

The Big Three also have their own curation teams, which are responsible for creating playlists on Spotify. This allows them to promote their own artists and tailor playlists to specific audiences. This has led to accusations of "pay to play," as the major labels are now able to monetize their influence over the streaming service.

The Big Three's heavy presence on Spotify has also led to some questioning the streaming service's supposed dedication to music discovery. Many users have pointed out that the playlists are becoming increasingly homogenized and "safe," as the Big Three are now dictating the type of music that gets featured on the service.

Independent artists have been calling for greater transparency and more equitable opportunities for their music on Spotify. The Big Three's domination of the streaming service has made it difficult for them to get their music heard, with more money and influence being required to get featured on the platform.

Ultimately, the Big Three's dominance of Spotify has had a major impact on the music industry. Their control over playlists and curation has led to questions about their influence over the service and the type of music that gets featured. Independent artists and music fans are now calling for greater transparency and fairer opportunities for all artists on the streaming service.

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