The Art of Corporate Gifting - 5 Gift Ideas for the new year

The Art of Corporate Gifting - 5 Gift Ideas for the new year

Alex J. Alex J.
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Gifting is a seemingly simple gesture that can carry a lot of meaning and intention. It is an important aspect in forming relationships because of a gift's ability to improve the quality of the relationship between the giver and the recipient by increasing feelings of connection, bonding, and commitment.


Companies and marketers believe in the power of corporate gifting to secure better relationships with employees and existing and prospecting clients.


The psychological impact of gifts on the recipient plays a crucial role in achieving the desired outcome from gifting as it influences feelings of reciprocity and trust.

Importance of Corporate Gifting


Build and Maintain Relationships with Clients

Clients do not want to feel like they are just numbers on a spreadsheet. A gift is a nice token to let them know that they are valued on an emotional level, and gifting greatly benefits the company as it encourages brand retention and brand awareness leaving the company on top of their mind and turning them into brand evangelists.


Motivates Your Team

Clients and prospects are not the only recipients to consider. After all, the key to great customer experience starts within the organization. For employees, gifting doesn’t only show that you are grateful, but it also helps with boosting their morale knowing their hard work is seen and validated. Gifting also improves the atmosphere of the workplace as gifts raise the mood of everyone involved. These feelings translate into the way employees go about their roles, and the quality of service they provide to external stakeholders, customers, and prospects.


Enhances Company’s Reputation

Thoughtful gifting generates good feelings amongst recipients and these warm and cared-for feelings will create an image of your business as being kind and caring.

This positive reputation will become more sales from customer referrals, plus repeat business, more motivation, a better working environment, happiness, and all the good things a business wants.


Corporate Gift Ideas


1.   Socks

Who doesn’t love receiving socks? It’s like being offered comfort both literally and figuratively. Especially now with many of us still staying home during the pandemic, socks are a thoughtful item to give. Socks may vary in style, sizes, and material, you can even use fun and custom design that would resonate to your recipient. You may see your style and other options here.

2. Personalized Insulated Water Bottle

        Personalized water bottles are gifts that last a lifetime and it’s not even a question whether or not they will use your water bottle gift. From lunch at work to picnics at the park, to gym sessions and outings with the kids, a personalized bottle is so useful. Insulated water bottles have different styles and sizes too! Ask our team for a catalog to browse the wide variety of styles and sizes to choose from.

3.    Baked Goods 

Brownies, cookies, or cake never fail to brighten someone’s day. Baked good boxes sent by mail have risen in popularity as a corporate gift, as they're easy to order and send directly to your team or clients. If you're sending cookies, you could also have them personalized with your corporate logo.

4.    Personalized Stationery

     It’s always nice to receive a personalized gift. Notebooks, sticky notes, and pens, that are personalized make it fun, bespoke, unique gifts for clients and employees.

       5.    Personalized Mug

Most people begin their day with a hot beverage, whether that’s tea, coffee, hot chocolate. A personalized mug is a special and inexpensive gift to give your colleagues. Isn’t nice to be a part of someone’s morning routine through a gift? You can't get more personal than that!

Now that we've given you the creativity boost by running through this year's corporate gifting trends, you may be wondering how exactly you can access great corporate gifting websites with the capacity to create multiple custom products, packaging options, and ship them out to your recipients in just under 3 weeks!

Well, that's where the Your Stuff Made team comes in. With your own dedicated account manager at hand, you can dream big in your timeframe and budget to create some amazing corporate gifts this time of the year. 


Explore your corporate gift options here

Book a free consultation with your gifting consultant here.

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